Wednesday 10 August

Opening Candyland (17:00 - 20:00)
"You and I, You and Me"
Solo show by Mindaugas Gapševičius (LT) + Maria Safronova Wahlström (SE)

Thursday 11 August

Opening in Färgfabriken (17:00-20:00)
"Sentient Machines?" Collective A.I. Art Show
w/Kenric McDowell (U.S.), Hannoia (SE), Andrea Nordwall (SE), Ashwin Rajan (FI), Bengt Sjölén (SE). Paola Torres Núñez del Prado (SE), Holly Grimm (US), Jaime Lobato (EE),

Friday 12 August

Talk 16:00 at Blivande: Pixelache Festival in Finland: 20 years
Talk 17:00 at Blivande: Piksel Festival and Free Software
Maite Cajaraville/Gisle Froysland (ES/NO)
Talk 18:00 at Blivande: Panel: Augmented (In)Humanity?

Performances I (Techno Temple Blivande) from 19:00:

Hara Alonso(SE)
Dror Feiler(SE/PE)
Maite Cajaraville/Gisle Froysland(ES/NO)
Servando Barreiro(SE)


(Party where people dance to music generated from algorithms using live coding techniques.) From 22:00 in Blivande

Saturday 13 August

Talk 15:00 at Blivande: The Ecological Paradigm Shift
Jaime Lobato(MX/EE)
Talk 16:00 at Blivande: Elektron & the Estonian Art + Tech Scene (EE)
Talk 17:00 at Blivande: Idun Isdrake: Innovation labs and Cyborg bodies

Performances II (Frihamnstorget/Blivande) from 18:00

Under Construction – a nomadic lab exploring nature/technology split through trickster identities with Chimera Cyborgs Karin Victorin & Sofia Priftis (SE)
Khipukoding Quipucamayo(SE/PE)
Jaime Lobato(MX/EE) + Inês Nêves (PT/EE).
Bohdana Korohod and Heneliis Notton (EE)

Main Party Blivande

From 22:00

Sunday 14 August

15:00 at Blivande: "Nina, K and Connie" An Audio performance and workshop by Anna Kinbom, Choterina Freer, Rosalie Yu and Rut Karin Zettergren, with acknowledgement to Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy and Zeros and Ones by Sadie Plant.

Closing Panel: informal discussion about the possibilities of building a network of Nordic Festivals and institutions connected to the Electronic and Digital arts (Blivande).